Thursday, January 29, 2009

The deal

Spoke with my old boss yesterday. Here is the run down:

PT position 3 days a week 8:30-5 M,W,F
No benefits at all - they may pay my parking
Would be more of a helper for overflow, probably not many of my own cases

I told her that my biggest obstacle is finding reliable, trusting PT daycare. We are already switching FT daycare facilites for C. That was already in the works before this popped up. So I have called around to places we toured and liked before C was born and no one takes PT before 18 months. Rich & I are not comfortable with a private sitter so we are stuck. We just don't want to take him to a complete strangers house when he is so little and can't tell us what is going on. I was honest and told her that was the deal.

So she is going to look at a possible FT position there. I am not sure I want to do that. I don't know if I want to do FT with all the problems and drama there again. One of the girls I worked with called last night and told me some of the drama that went on since it snowed so bad yesterday. I could handle PT with just being a helper and not in a main role and just doing my job with the headset on and be done.

Depending on what they offer me pay wise, we could do FT at a center until he was 18 months adn then drop him to PT and I would work PT during that transition time to 18 months. But every single penny I made would truly go to daycare. Is it worth it? I would have a guaranteed PT job once he was at the PT care age. Or do I wait until he is 18 months and ask to go PT at my current job?

I e-mailed my old boss this morning to tell her that I don't want her to make up a FT position for me if the work/room/money for it isn't there. I don't want to hurt anyone that is there now or get into a billable hrs problem again like when I left. So she is gonig to get with me next week after talking it over and looking at numbers.

So what is my gut telling me? PT I could go for and handle. I would still be making money (eventually) and getting out with adults to socialize. Plus 4 days a week with C!! I do not think I could handle FT again. I think the same old drama and crap would get me down and make myself and Rich miserable.

So now I wait and see what she brings back offer wise for PT and/or FT. Either way I still ahve a job (for now) that I am grateful for most days!


Val said...

I would not do full time at new place.  You left for many reasons.  Part-time is always doable.  On the other hand, I would not do the part time sitter thing.  Just worries me about what goes on all day.  You worry about cam now--can you imagine if he was with a stranger all day???  Goddard provides socialization and tons of learning.  Maybe just stick with what you have until Cam is older (think goddard can go part-time at 16 months).  then see if part time position still option at old office ?????  easier said than done, since i'm not in your shoes

MrsSpock said...

I think our day care provides part-time care, though I don't know how far it is from the old job. Let me know if you are interested.

We were very comfortable with Devon- but I would never have been comfortable with a private sitter we had never met before.

Julie and Greg said...

sounds like maybe the PT gig , but paying for FT daycare for a few months is a good compromise. Obviously you would love having Cam with you more and if you don't need the money to be able to survive each month then maybe this is a good choice? The right thing will come along!I am so excited about his new school! I already looked to see if they have teacher openings! haha

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