Thursday, July 5, 2007

Food science and doctor rant

Time for a new post, what can I talk about? Hmmmmm. I know, let's talk about doctors. Ever since I was a little kid, I always enjoyed going to the dentist, but never wanted to go to the doctor. Why could that be? Most people probably think that is weird, a kid liking the dentist, since a dentist makes you uncomfortable and puts things that don't taste very good in your mouth and doctors make you feel better when you are sick and uncomfortable. Well one, I have a big mouth and two, I have never had a cavity so that might be part of it. But I think I have it figured out and it doesn't have to do with either of the above. We all have to go to the doctor, and some of you work for doctors, so I'm sure everyone can relate to this. Why do they make appointments? My dentist was always on time, and I really like the way my teeth feel after my cleaning visit. I find that new Colgate commercial intriguing, but I doubt it can really live up to the claim of making your mouth feel like you just came from the dentist. That makes me think of something else, who out there is a food or science person that can tell me this? Why after eating a banana does it feel like I have crap stuck all over my teeth? Anyway, the doctor I went to as a kid made appointments but then had a sign-in pad and went in that order of names on the list so getting there at your appointed time and putting your name on the list meant that is when you got in line, not when you were called back. I'm much better about going to the doctor now since she has always been on time for my appointments and has been right on with her diagnosis every time. Pretty much down to the day your symptoms will vanish and you will feel better. I'm very impressed. But, accompanying Jennifer to OB and RE appointments, I have discovered the concept of time my family doctor has is rare. OK, the RE isn't too bad and I really like their policy of canceling the appointment if the patient is late without notifying the office first, and I appreciate a personal touch and taking the time each patient needs, but build that into the schedule, how long have you been practicing, how often do you get to eat lunch or close the office on time? And, when you are the first appointment of the day, what's the excuse then? Lastly, if you are a man, have you ever tried to entertain yourself with the magazines they keep in the waiting room? Do what I do and bring your own.

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